But all these things pale before their highest and most enduring memorial, ( the alphabet), "writes Harden(pg. 20)," This is where they impinge most strongly on all subsequent civilization of old World origin. All Indo-European and Semitic tongues- indeed all subsequent alphabetic scripts- have employed the medium invented by the Phoenicians and rapidly adopted by many other nations round about them including the Greeks." Odijk (pg. 25) writes, " This alphabet was taught to people with whom the Phoenicians traded, including the Greeks". "The first known writing systems (Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley) go back no futher than 6,000 B.C. at the earliest, their actual beginnings is unknown. Probably all these early writing systems arose from a single source", (Ency. Brit. vol. 13, pg.702). On the internet Http//phoenician.com "Phoenician Alphabet" by Ulysse states" the oldest of attested Semitic languages, Akkadian, was the vehicle of a great ancient literature written in a logosyllabic cuneiform writing system of Sumerian origin . Although the Phoenicians used cuneiform (Mesopotamian writing), they also produced a script of their own. The Phoenician alphabetic script of 22 letters was used at Byblos as early as the 15th century B.C. This method of writing, later adopted by the Greeks, is the ancestor of the modern Roman alphabet. It was the Phoenicians’ most remarkable and distinctive contribution to arts and civilization. When the Phoenicians who came with Cadmus-among whom were the Gephyraei-introduced into Greece, after their settlement in the country, a number of accomplishments, of which the most important was writing, an art till then, I think, unknown to the Greeks. At first they used the same characters as all the other Phoenicians, but as time went on, and they changed their language, they also changed the shape of their letters. At that period most of the Greeks in the neighbourhood were Ionians; they were taught these letters by the Phoenicians and adopted them, with a few alterations, for their own use, continuing to refer to them as the Phoenician characters-as was only right, as the Phoenicians had introduced them". In reference to this we said that The Commandments were written with the finger of God and given to Moses to teach the people. Exodus Ch. 32:15-16, Deuteronomy Ch. 9:10, 10:4. God had a wrting that only very few could read. Daniel ch. 5:5-17, Mormon 9:32-34. Jesus taught us the proper way that we should learn the Iberian (OBR) alphabet to get the correct sounds. The book of Joseph (the high priest called Caiaphas) Ch. 10:1-12 and The Gospel of Thomas Ch. 6:5-12.
Here are some Phoenician/Hebrew artifacts discovered over the past two hundred years and from the Hebrew/Phoenician symbols and writings on numerous artifices discovered in these areas shows that the early Hebrews and the Phoenicians utilized the same writing system. One of the first Phoenician/Hebrew artifices found that substantiate this is called the stele of Meshe, King of Moab. A stone of black basalt was discovered in 1868 in Dhiban, north of the River Amman in Jordan. It mentions the Tribe of Gad , the House of Israel and the Name of Yahwah. It was later said to have been broken up by bedouins and is now at the Louvre in Paris. Second in 1880 a rock which is called the Siloam Inscription was found. It had the same general writing as the Moabite stone. Third in 1926 a part of a coex limestone sale in which insented a slab of fine graind dark limestone bearing recording of seventeen of ministers written in Phoenician/Hebrew with the standard of the tribe of Issachar (a star and cresent moon) as verifed by the design of the magnificent mosaics of The Twelve Tribes of Israel by DR. Joseph Young of Los Angeles Califonia , based upon two years of research by Rabbi Sol Rosenberg of Eden Memorial Park, San Fernando, California and he also mentions that they of the tribe of Issachar Became the Religious teachers of Israel, as this stele indicate along with the limestone inscription of Eshmunhalas son of yittenmilk, limestone obelisk found at Salammbo, Carthage, Hanan seal, Azriel seal, Amos seal, and the Hanna seal. The balance which is the standand for the tribe of Dan is seen on the, Tunisian Tombstone . A incantation Tablet found in North Syria with a wolf devouring The evil demons which is the standard for the tribe of Benjamin. And a ax with a wolf design on it has also been found. The seal of Asaniel and shema both having the lion on them with is the standard for the tribe of Judah. A seal Belonging to Tanacha son of Miknemelech found at Bayhdad with a unicorn on it with is the symbol for the Tribe of Joseph. The Seal of a Jeremiah with a deer on it, the standard of the tribe of Naphtali and last but not lest a symbol of a ship found near never Sidon said to be the symbol for the Phoenicians but also is the standard for the tribe of Zebulun, all written Phoenician/Hebrew. 1935 two artifacts, an inscribed bowl , and letters were discovered at the site said to be the biblical Lachish. Also found were eighteen ostraca inscribed in Phoenician/Hebrew. In 1938 three more were found in a burnt straum, thought to represent the last days of the kingdom prior to the destruction of the city by the Babylonian invasion. The language again is Phoenician/Hebrew reminiscent of the writing style from Moses to Jeremiah. Fourth in the spring of 1947 the most famous of all the manuscripts were found in a cave near the dead sea by a herdsman searching for a lost goat. They were not closely examined until 1949 by G.L. harding and R. Devaux. From the excavations carried out from 1951 to 1956 were discovered about thirty caves in the area which were revealed traces of use in antiquity. In ten of them more manuscripts were found hidden, some of which were of considerable length.When all these things were revealed, scholars suggested that this place was an administrative center or the place of assembly of the remains of a community that lived scattered about the area until it was destroyed by the Roman troops in A.D. 68. This destruction occured during the first Hebrew/Phoenician war between 66-70 A.D. The many writings discovered there are called the Dead Sea Scrolls which consisted of hundreds of artifacts , seals, and stones written in the Phoenician /Hebrew script. In 1960 and 1970 two inscriptions call khirbetelkon and kuntillet Ajrud stone (the hand of God) were discovery. One in the Desert of Sinai, the other near Hebron both written in Phoenician /Hebrew, speaking of Yahwah and Asterah. In 1966 at the foot hills of Mount Hermon in a place today called TelDan, there were three stones found written in Phoenician/Hebrew speaking of the House of David and Hadad that is mention in the Bible at 1 Kings 15:20 The first time the house of David seen written out side of Biblical records. Solomon seal ,Ahaz seal and Hezekiah clay impression of his seal have also been found which bears a Phoenician Imagery that show the symbol of the insign of their house. Also on Solomon seal is a picture of Solomon with a beard and long hair in Phoenician clothing with fringes on his garment. Hundreds of other seals had been found which bear a phoenician symbols with the standard of the tribes of Israel or their family insign or both. Then in 1974 during an excavation at a site thought to be Ebenezar, two pieces preserving the longest Hebrew/Phoenician inscription yet was discovered . It measured 8.8 by 15 cm and contained five lines of writing. This script was written from left to right suggesting that ancient Hebrew could be read from right to left, from left to right and up and down just as hieroglyphics are written and read. This is script proven evidence that this was the writing formula that they took with them when they came out of Egypt. From the evidence of the excavations and the discovery of the many writings, stones, and seals , we conclude that the Hebrew/Phoenician or Phoenician/Hebrew people are one people. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Mexico stone were the missing link that prove the Bible, the Quran and the Book of Mormon to be true.
In conclusion we believe, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (St. John1:1). Language orginated with God and all men spoke one language until the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:7 ). At this time one language was divided into sixty-nine languages composed of three branches with each branch consisting of twenty-three languages each with the original language being the seventieth( Book of Jasher, chap. 48). The words (horn) and (wine) are thought to have come down from that unknown language. Looking at the Japhite (European) and Semite families of language, some scholars think that in very ancient times these languages were originally one. However, a long separation between the people who spoke these languages, resulted in many changes that practically erased what ever common features they shared . There were three strages in the development of writing. The first being the pictorial stage which utilized pictures in order to indicate what the writer wished to say. In the second stage the picture no longer indicates just the object itself, but also the presence of sound in whatever word it may occur. This was a real advance inasmuch as it now became possible to express ideas in writing. That was impossible in the pictorial stage because in order to write one would have to learn thousand of picture symbols much as the Chinese writing is today. Examples of these first two stages are depicted in the Egyptian hieroglyphics. It was in this second stage of writing development that we believe that the Hebrew/Phoenician people were enslaved in Egypt for 400 hundred years. Moses, who was given an Egyptian name by Pharoah’s daughter, led the people out of Egypt to the mountain of God , to receive his commands in the writing of God, written with the finger of God. He instructed them in a writing that they knew and in a way that could make them understand his commandments as if he was there and which was clearer than any writing had ever been before that time. The books of the Seventy Elders (Num.ch11:24-27) commonly known as The five book of Moses ( The life of Adam and Eve, The Jubilees, This Report, Sacred Genealogy and The Prophets ) written in this way alone was their wisdom and glory in the eyes of all the nations that heard of it. As the Hebrew/Phoenician people went out and traded, the people around them saw this ingenious way of writing and reading. Real writing with clear and ready expression of thought then ever possible before the giving of the Law and the alphabet. It was written not in an infinite number of pictures but with just twenty-two picture symbols. It was unquestionably one of the greatest revelations given to man. There were only a limited number of actual sounds, altogether amounting to some forty-four, that were used. One symbol represented two sounds, an ending and a beginning sound. By simply varying the combinations of these sounds and symbols, writing became a comparatively simple task of learning to make twenty-two symbols. It was called the Phonetic alphabet because of that the nations called the Hebrew people the Phoenicians ,after there language. The central theme of all word building in the Hebrew/Phoenician language is that all the words go back to a root and that a word can be composed of no more than four letters. There are one letter, two letters, three letters and four letter words. However a name can be very long because it is composed of many words, for example, Abraham means father is them. But the most a root word can have is three letters. The Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet is the father of all the alphabet now being used in the world today. The English alphabet that we use is directly descended from the Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet, now how did this happen? The first European nation that the Phoenicians met as they traveled westward were the Greeks (Javan). The Greeks like all the other nations were astonished at the Phoenician/Hebrew method of keeping written records. The Phoenicians explained the writing system to the Greeks and they in turn taught it to the Romans. From these two languages were formed the English alphabet. The English alphabet is based on the same principal as the Hebrew/Phoenician . This is evident by the fact that if you reverse some of the Hebrew/Phoenician letters they are almost identical to our present day English letters. The language which is called Hebrew today is actually Babylonian or Aramaic as the Nash Papyrus, mercantile document and the Elephantine Aramaic Papyri proves. This language was adopted by the Hebrew people when they were taken to Babylonian as captives. Hebrew/Phoenician ceased being a spoken language by all and became a language of prayer, study, and/or reading, the Torah, until later when the Torah itself was translated into Babylonian in 440 B.C.E. by Ezra the scribe. It was translated in order that people could read it and keep the Law. It became what is known as the modern square Hebrew writing. This Babylonian script became the writing of the people. The words were Hebrew/Phoenician but the letters were square Babylonian/Aramaic writing. When in 70 C.E. the Romans attacked the homeland of the Phoenician/Hebrew people and scattered them throughout the world. But the Hebrew/Phoenician language remained alive among a few Olmec or the so-called five Black Indian tribes in America (Cherokee,Chicksaw,Creek,Seminole and Choctaw) of the house of Lehi from the tribe of Ephraim son of Aseneth and Joseph son of Israel .
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